Tag: cally jackson

  • Book Review: Aftermath by Cally Jackson

    Book Review: Aftermath by Cally Jackson

    MY REVIEW: Aftermath is the second book in The Ripple Effect duet and really finishes this story off with a BANG! Firstly, let’s just talk about this duet. This is the story of Caitlyn Richter – her family has a “disorder” where certain generations of women at the age of 21, find themselves involuntarily time…

  • Book Review: The Ripple Effect by Cally Jackson

    Book Review: The Ripple Effect by Cally Jackson

    MY REVIEW: This was like reading a modern-classic romance novel. It has all the elements of excitement and intrigue like a modern romance novel, but is filled with the essence of a classical story. I loved this one more than I thought I would, if I’m being completely honest with myself. When I first saw…