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The month of August feels like it went by really fast. It was a great reading month, but even more so it was a month where I felt like I had more clarity with things I want to do with this blog and my social media in general.

I’ve been struggling with a desire to not be on social media lately, and Instagram has been my place for a lot of years, but it’s just not bringing me the same peace it used to. As I thought through this, I realized that what makes me happy is spending more time right here on my blog sharing my thoughts and ideas, as well as interacting with the book blogging community. Which is why I made big decision to make some upcoming changes to my blog. More to come on that in another post!

Getting back to the point though, August went by FAST and I completed 8 books in total, with an average of 4.2 stars for all books read this month. Including a total of approximately 2,637 pages read and a nice mix of romance, mystery and historical fiction to round out the month.

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