Book Review & Tour: The Girl From the Hidden Forest by Hannah Linder

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An ARC copy of this book was provided to me in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts are my own.

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Rating: 5 out of 5.

Imagine being carried away into a world where regency romance meets a stunning fairy tale and you’ll have some idea of what reading this story is like.

Eliza has lived the majority of her life tucked away in a forest with a man who goes by the name of ‘Captain’ and her small beagle. She knows nothing of the world outside of this existence, but she’s plagued by terrifying nightmares. Until one day a young man captures her from her sanctuary and brings her back to the manor and surround village that was once her home.

Felton meant no harm by bringing her back, other than to try and clear his only family name from crimes they’ve been accused of. Eliza seems to be the key to unlocking the events that unfolded 14 years ago, but remembering that night puts everyone at risk. Those that tries to kill her as a child are looking for her again.

The mystery, the intrigue, the depth of romance between Felton and Eliza – this book was enthralling to say the least! I read it nearly in one day because I didn’t want to leave Eliza on her own, much like Felton didn’t, and I was determined to find out what was going to happen to everyone involved.

Eliza’s character creates a fairy tale feel to everything because of her experience growing up in the forest and her honest way of interacting with people. She cares deeply for those around her and wants to help, even when she knows others don’t want her to. I especially loved her camaraderie with the maid name Minney. Minney was considered special needs and Eliza took to her like a mother hen, wanting to look out for her and care for her when the rest of the household said terrible things about her.

Then you have the romance between Felton and Eliza that slowly blossoms through the entire story. They are deeply attached to one another because of the similar ways they see the world and Felton really struggles with his attraction to her. As he’s trying to regain his family honor, he fears that by allowing himself to love Eliza, would ruin everything he’s worked so hard for. This is a struggle for both of them throughout the entirety of the book.

Not to mention the evil men lurking in the background trying to capture and kill Eliza again. These are the men that haunt her nightmares from childhood and they are ruthless and dangerous. As the mystery element unfolded and the characters were exposed, I was actually taken by surprise with how that all went about. Did not see some of those pieces coming at all!

A beautifully written love story about searching for oneself and facing the demons that hold us back from the light.

My Favorite Lines:

  1. She had beheld him without pretense. She had spoken to him without riddles. She had been real… inexpressibly real, in a way he’d seldom known anyone to be in his life.
  2. “I can stop anyone. I can fight your beast. I will fight him.”



The nightmares may free her…but destroy the man she loves.  Enjoy another Gothic Style Regency from Hannah Linder.   Eliza Ellis has stayed hidden in Balfour Forest for as long as she can remember. Perhaps her only friends are the trees, or her little dog, or her story-telling father called Captain. But at least she is safe from the cruel world outside, a world Captain has warned her against and protected her from.   That is, until a handsome stranger named Felton Northwood invades her quiet forest and steals her away.

Why does he tell such lies? Why does he insist that her name is Miss Eliza Gillingham, daughter of a viscount, who disappeared fourteen years ago after the murder of her own mother? A murder Eliza is said to have witnessed.   When Felton returns Eliza to Monbury Manor and reunites her with a man who is told to be her father, all she remembers are the strange nightmares that have plagued her since childhood. Why have they suddenly grown worse?

Are the answers hidden inside her own mind?   As danger mounts and lethal attempts are made on her life, Eliza and Felton must work together to uncover the identity of a killer who has stayed silent for fourteen years. When she finally uncovers the horrendous memories trapped in her mind, will divulging the truth cost her the man she loves—and both of their lives?


Hannah Linder

Hannah Linder resides in the beautiful mountains of central West Virginia. Represented by Books & Such, she writes Regency romantic suspense novels filled with passion, secrets, and danger. She is a four-time Selah Award winner, a 2023 Carol Award semi-finalist, a 2023 Angel Book Award third place winner, and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW). When Hannah is not writing, she enjoys playing her instruments–piano, guitar, ukulele, and banjolele–songwriting, painting still life, walking in the rain, square dancing, and sitting on the front porch of her 1800s farmhouse. To follow her journey, visit


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